smart construction
Our mission is to build and manage sustainable built environment systems through smart construction. We conduct basic research in areas that include sensing and data analytics (AI, data science), information modeling/visualization and simulation (BIM, digital twins, VR), and human-robot interfaces, in the context of construction/infrastructure management. We apply this research to smart construction projects that include Automation in Construction, Human-Robot Interface for Space Construction, AI-driven Construction Site Digital Twins, and Intelligent Infrastructure Management.
Our members are students, faculty, and affiliates of Seoul National University (SNU) and Texas A&M University (TAMU). We come from a variety of academic backgrounds across engineering and science. We currently have openings for highly motivated and driven students across multi-disciplinary backgrounds! If you are interested, please contact Dr. Ham sharing your CV and passion.
Recent News
Feb. Yoojun and Dr. Ham receive 2025 Thomas Fitch Rowland Prize by ASCE for the paper, “Revealing the Impact of Heat Radiation on Construction: A Microclimate Simulation Using Meteorological Data and Geometric Modeling,” ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2024. Congrats!
Dec. Jiwoong, Minyeop, and Minseong joined Ham Research Group. Welcome!
Nov. Dr. Ham presented "Automation and Robotics in Construction: Practice and AI-based Research" at Smart Construction Expo 2024.
Oct. Dr. Ham attended 2024 KSCE Convention and presented AI and Construction Industry.
Jun. Minguk successfully passed the Qualifying Exam. Congrats!
Jun. Yeon and Dr. Ham attended ISARC 2024 (41st International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction) in Lille, France and presented the research on human-machine interface during teleoperation. The paper was invited to the plenary session!!
Jun. Yoojun attended CSCE Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario and presented the research on occupational heat risk preparedness.
May. Miran and Yeon successfully passed the Prelim Exam. Way to go!
Apr. Miran and Dr. Ham attended 2024 ASCE Earth & Space Conference and presented the research on lunar construction.
Apr. Yoojun received COSC Outstanding Service Award (mentoring & academic service). Way to go!
Mar. Miran and Dr. Ham were awarded the Best Paper Award at 2024 ASCE CRC Conference. The title of our paper is "Evaluation of Work Performance, Situational Awareness, and Task load on Time-Delayed Teleoperation Tasks in Space Construction". Congrats!
Mar. Dr. Ham received Outstanding Leadership Award from the Korean-American Construction Engineering and Project Management Association (KACEPMA).
Mar. Yoojun, Minguk, Yeon, Miran, and Dr. Ham attended 2024 ASCE CRC Conference and presented the papers.
Feb. Yoojun successfully passed the Prelim Exam. Way to go!
Feb. Yeon successfully passed the Qualifying Exam. Congrats!
Jan. Bharath from Computer Science joined Ham Research Group. Welcome!
Dec. Dr. Ham received J. Thomas Regan Interdisciplinary Faculty Award at Texas A&M University.
Dec. Miran successfully passed the Qualifying Exam. Congrats!
Nov. Tianxiu, Zhenglin, and Tam from Computer Science joined Ham Research Group. Welcome!
Oct. Justin successfully defended his MS thesis entitled “Environmental Indicators in relation to Heat-related Accidents in Construction ”. Congrats!
Aug. The paper "Participatory Sensing and Digital Twin City: Updating Virtual City Models for Enhanced Risk-Informed Decision-Making" from Journal of Management in Engineering, has been selected for the Sustainable Development Goals Showcase to promote content devoted to the UN Sustainable Development Goals!
Aug. Two of our lab members (Jaeyoon and Parth) received the COSC Outstanding Research Award at the hard hat ceremony yesterday. This award annually goes to the most deserving graduate student based on academic achievements. Again congratulations, Jaeyoon and Parth!!!
Aug. Minguk joined our research group as a PhD student. Congrats and Welcome aboard!
Jul. Wei-Lun William Tsai from National Taiwan University joined Ham Research Group as a Visiting Student. Welcome, William!
Jun. Dr. Ham was elected as a new officer of ASCE Visualization, Information Modeling, and Simulation (VIMS) committee.
Jun. Yoojun received the KACEPMA (Korean-American Construction Engineering and Project Management Association)/HanmiGlobal Graduate Student Scholarship. Congrats!
Jun. Jaeyoon, Yeon, Yoojun, Jinsol, and Miran presented their research in 2023 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, CH2M HILL Alumni Center, Corvallis, OR.
Jun. Journal paper on “Personal Thermal Comfort Modeling based on Facial Expression" was accepted by Elsevier Journal of Building Engineering.
Jun. Parth successfully defended his MS thesis entitled “Analysis of the Performance of Storm Drain Inlets under the Effect of Clogging near a Construction Job Site”. Congrats! He will be joining Kiewit as a Field/Office Engineer II. Best of luck on his new career!
May. Jaeyoon successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled “Digital Twin City for Enhanced Data Mapping and Virtuality-Reality Connectivity: Toward Risk-Informed Decision Making”. Congrats! He will be joining The University of Texas at El Paso as an Assistant Professor from August 2023. Best of luck on his new career!
Apr. Journal papers on “Location-Based Collective Distress using Large-Scale Biosignals in Real Life for Walkable Built Environments” and "Tunable Acoustic Properties in Reconfigurable Kerf Structures" were accepted by Nature Scientific Reports and ASCE Journal of Architectural Engineering.
Mar. Journal paper on “Measuring the Distance between Trees and Power Lines under Wind Loads to Assess the Heightened Potential Risk of Wildfire” was accepted by MDPI Remote Sensing .
Feb. Journal paper on “Simulating the Spatial Impacts of a Coastal Barrier in Galveston Island, Texas: A Three-Dimensional Urban Modeling Approach” was accepted by TAYLOR & FRANCIS Natural Hazards and Risk.
Jan. Journal paper on “Simulating travel paths of construction site workers via deep reinforcement learning considering their spatial cognition and wayfinding behavior” was accepted by Elsevier Automation in Construction.